Guns and Ammo Best Prices

Firearm shipping and receiving.

Guns for Sale
New and Used.
Buy Sell Trade Consign
Federal Firearms Dealer
Certified Firearms Appraiser
Internet and In person transfers
All firearm transfers $30.00

GunHippo Store

SECURED CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS. We are compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), which demonstrates ePN's commitment to protecting the confidentiality and integrity of cardholder and personal data of anyone making purchases from merchants using our Payment Gateway.


Licensed Federal Firearms Dealer



Usually monitoring the Murgas Repeater 145.450



Usually monitoring the Bear Creek 725 repeater

Shipping Notice

Fedex and UPS now require ALL firearm shipments to be by Federal Firearms Dealers only. The USPS requires ALL handguns be shipped by FFL's only. GunHippo will ship and receive firearms for individuals. Background checks are $30 to receive firearms. Shipping will be actual shipping cost plus $30.

We buy guns!

Whether you have a few guns you are thinking of selling, or inherited some guns, or selling off a collection bring them in for a quote.


If we don't have it we can get it. Call or email us for quotes.

Glock-Smith & Wesson-Taurus-Sig-Ruger-SCCY-JA Industries-AND MOST MAJOR BRANDS. We are a DPMS dealer.

Rebates & Promos

Check here for manufacturer rebates and promos.

Some of our Brands