2nd Amendment

From the book, “The Second Amendment Primer” by Les Adams, introduction: “For all these years, I came to realize, the NRA had been taking considerable heat in the popular press for its unyielding defense of the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms, whereas all along, in steadfastly denying that the right existed, the proponents of banning guns were – and continue to be wrong. For, from reading and analyzing this material over the last year, and applying a ration of simple common sense, I am now convinced, unequivocally and unquestionably, that the Second Amendment to the US Constitution ratifies and preserves for every citizen the right to keep and bear arms; and moreover, Congress or any other instrumentality of the Federal Government is constitutionally barred from infringing that right.”

The above referenced book (primer), as Les Adams states was not written for lawyers or scholars, it was written for you and me. For anyone who wants to understand the thinking, context, and reasoning of our founding fathers in constructing the 2nd Amendment we highly recommend this book. It is easy to read and understand. Mine is the 1996 edition. I also have the Bill of Rights Primer and the American Freedom Primer. They are also a nice size to keep in my brief case for quick reference. We need to keep up the fight. Educating and informing our fellow citizens on our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms. This book is a great place to start. #secondamendment #2a #gunhippo