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Where is the ammo?

Where is the ammo?

It appears that the ammo shortage won’t be ending anytime soon. From recent news articles even though the ammo manufacturers are running at capacity they just can’t make enough. There seems to be two issues at play. One is that the US Dept. of Defense, [the Federal Govt}, buys all of their ammo from the same manufacturers. Since the military and civilians are using much of the same ammo, guess who gets priority? The other is raw materials. Mainly copper. Because copper is now used in so many products from vehicles, computers, electrical components and much more, ammo manufacturers now have to compete with many other markets for copper. This has caused the price to go up and the supply to get tight. Then throw in the shipping issues with container ships sitting on the ocean waiting months to get into port and we have a perfect storm of events. So hang on it may take a while to catch up. #ammo #gun #gunhippo